1. over.Rolled


Mishqui Public

Documenta de Arte Accion

Oct. 2008, Quito, Ecuador

Después de la lluvia una gran alfombra roja ha tenido la plaza, una mujer rueda sobre sus piedras, dando vueltas cruza la calle interrumpiendo la trafico, se pierde en una multitud que la observa curiosa, se levanta y reparte regalos envueltos en el estridente tejido. La tela parece perderse en el horizonte y unas manos anonimas se la van llevando.

The rose-eating artist was rolled in 150m of red fabric, which was made in Quito. Her left hand is manicured, the left sight of her face made up, half of the hair combed, in her left hand are written compliments. A video camera is bandaged on her head. She is rolled in the fabric - standing and with the help of the wooden stick. Rolling down the marketplace the fabric was rolled out and turned into a red carpet, which was then given to the people.

fabric, roses, wood, gadgets, scissors, bandages

Fotos: Tranvia Cero, Inés Aubert

Supported by BMUKK Austria, Ministerio de Cultura de Ecuador, Fa Cortyvis

> more about over.Rolled